Monday 20 February 2012

Questionnaire about the effects of cyber-bullying on our lives

How is Cyber-Bullying effecting our lives?

Male                   Female

Do you use social network sites? Yes which ones; if no move on.

BB messenger

Don’t use them

What do you think about the students who have committed suicide as a result of cyber bullying?

Can Cyber Bullying be justified?
Yes                     No

Why do you think people cyber bully?

Do you think sites such as Facebook encourages us to cyber bully?

Monday 6 February 2012

We had a change of ideas. hairs U suggested that we do a documentary about cyber bullying. This was because we can interview students and see if they have been cyber bullied. also we can ask the school police about what they think about this issue and what are consequences. 

Thursday 2 February 2012

In the starting of the video the reporter introduces herself. Then she goes around London asking random people on how they are dressed, the price of their clothes and where they got the cloths form. i think that this is a good idea because we can use that idea in our documentary. we can use that idea for example we can ask other teenagers on how much money they spend on their clothes and why they spend that much. Also we can go to clothes shops and ask the employees that how often they get new stock of clothes in. Also we can start out documentary in the similar way. Also we can ask them that do they dress that way they dress to fit in with the economy or do they dress to stand out of everyone. the title of our documentary has slightly changed because it was are young people slaves to fashion but now we aren't sure. Also i like this idea because because i want to get general people ideas in a snap shot and see what they think. this is a good way of getting answers fast to why do they dress up the way they are.