Thursday 24 May 2012

Uint 1 Task 1

  • Existing text analysis(either Music Videos or short films/opening sequences)
  • Research into film/music video directors
  • Treatment
  • Mood board 
  • Risk assessment for each location
  • Ask artist for permission via Email, Twitter, MySpace Etc (Music Videos only)
  • Timeline analysis of chosen song  (Music Videos only)
  • Storyboard
  • Animatic
  • Crew list
  • Shot list
  • Locations list
  • Budget
  • Film test footage/pictures of location reccy
  • Planning rest of Mise En Scene (clothing, props, make-up, effects etc)
  • Pitch to gain feedback (presentation to the class about the ideas)

Budget: This is the amount of money the the business will spend on the project. they will set a budget and you are not allowed to go over it. this is a good thing because they will work more efficiently and they will know how much they can spend on their equipment and the video.

Risk assessment for each location: this is very important because each member of the group needs to knows the health and safety rules. this is done at the starting of the project so if they have any problems they can sort them out.

Timeline analysis of chosen song-
Timeline analysis of chosen song:  This is when the song is divided into different bit and section which are according to which part is located where. the verse will be adjusted and split to match. this will make it easier to know where the parts will be performed and save time.  
the storyboard will show the fowling information:
what characters are going into the frame and they are going to be moving?
what are the characters saying when they are talking to each other if they are talking?
how much passes between the previous  frame and the current storyboard?
where the camera is in the scene ? is it close or far away and is it moving?
it is very important  because the director has to know what is going to happen in the next scene also it makes it easier for the character  and gives the director some tips. sometime things change but most of time they stay the same.

Crew List 
this shows that who is part of the production project. this is important so  you know who is involved and who need to be where for healths safety reason.

Shot List - this is what camera shots they will use in that scene for example:
Long Shot 
Close Up
Mid Shot
Extreme long shot
medium close up etc. 
This is important so they use a range of different shots.

Research into films/Music videos: this is important to understand how professional videos are made so that the standers of the video is similar.

Locations list: This is important because its important they need to know where they are filming and which location they need to go to next. this speeds up the process. This means if they a           

Thursday 3 May 2012